Monday, March 16, 2009

The Vampires Are Coming Out

This weekend the Edward Cullen lovin fans will line up and wait for the release of the much anticipated DVD, Twilight. The movie, based off of Stephanie Meyer's hit book series, has caused a wave of crazed fans and a worldwide crush on one good looking vampire. The movie is very similar to the book, with a few altered details for production purposes. The casting of the Cullens, Bella, as well as the other minor characters of the book could not have been more perfect in my opinion. I think that all could agree that Edward (Rob Pattinson) was what everyone had hoped he would be. The on-screen chemistry betweeen Edward and Bella (Kirsten Stewart) will have you captivated from the moment they meet. This movie has laughs, thrills, and a romance that will make every girl fall in love with this ironically perfect vampire. The movie is to be released Saturday, March 21, and is already on sale for pre-order. Get in line-- this is a film you'll really want to sink your teeth into. :)